School Attendance
What you should do if your child is going to be absent
Please contact the school on the first morning of absence, explaining the reason for the absence. Please keep us informed regularly if your child is absent for a long period.
Where possible you should let the school know in advance of any planned absences e.g. hospital appointments, and make medical / dental appointments out of school hours.
Failure to follow these procedures may result in the school reporting the details to our external Attendance Officer who may wish to investigate further.
How we support attendance
If we do not hear from you on your child’s first day of absence we will contact you before 9.30am.
We monitor all attendance and provide every parent/carer with an annual attendance report.
We provide support, guidance and encouragement to families who find it difficult to appreciate the importance of regular school attendance and punctuality.
We strive to maintain a high profile for attendance and punctuality.
We celebrate and reward excellent and improved attendance and punctuality regularly throughout the year.
When a child arrives late to school, it causes disruption to the learning of all children in class. There are no excuses for children being late on a regular basis. It is important that your child arrives within School Times. Any late children must enter through the main office and sign in using our electronic sign in system.
Holidays in term time
Following government directives and guidelines, the school cannot authorise absences for family holidays during term-time. Amendments to the regulation make it clear that schools “may not grant any leave of absence during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances”.
Please complete a leave of absence request form from the school office if you plan on taking your child out of school for any reason. Failure to do so may result in your child losing their place in our school if we have not been informed of any leave.
Our target for school attendance is 97%