Partnership Agreement
Barnes Infant Academy Partnership Agreement
To ensure the very best opportunity for your child we believe that an honest and respectful partnership between home and school is vital to enhance a child’s personal, social and educational development. For this reason, we have created a downloadable, printable PDF agreement between the school and parents/carers which must be signed by both parties before your child attends Barnes Infant Academy.
The Academy expects children to do the following:
To try their best at all times
To be honest
To work hard
To look after property and take care of the school’s environment
To be gentle, kind and helpful
Accordingly, the school will,
Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance and punctuality
Inform parents if there is significant concerns or a problem that affect their child’s work or behaviour
Hold termly parents meetings and send home an annual written report
Set appropriate homework
Keep parents informed about school events and activities
Encourage the children to try their best at all times
The school expects that Parents / Carers will,
See that their child attends school on time, regularly and is appropriately dressed
Inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour
Support the high level of behaviour expected by the school
Support their child if any work is sent home from school
Attend parents meetings to discuss your child’s progress