How we deal with bullying
We identify, recognise and remove bullying by working closely with pupils, families and external agencies to safeguard and protect all pupils and all staff. Pupils and staff are an important active element of our anti-bullying strategy comprising an Anti-bullying Partnership Team, School Council and “Barnes Buddies”.
Children learn about anti-bullying in a range of different ways:
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons
Circle time
Drama and role play
Anti-bullying week
Family Learning
Educational visits
Visitors into school
By exploring ways of resolving disagreements or what to do if they think they are being bullied, children understand the issues relating to all forms of bullying so they feel confident to seek support from school.
Parents and carers should also feel confident their children are safe and cared for in school and when incidents of bullying do arise, have the assurance they are dealt with promptly and properly.
Anti-bullying links